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Polish Your LinkedIn Profile

About this webinar

When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile? When was the last time you thought about how your LinkedIn profile makes you look to your actual target audience?

Treating LinkedIn as just a job board and resume service is a huge oversight. Potential clients and partners are looking at your LinkedIn profile right now, and you're missing out on opportunities to give them what they're looking for and a reason to reach out to you. It's time to create a personal LinkedIn strategy that results in more connection requests from people you actually want to talk to.

In this session from award-winning blogger, author, and social media consultant, Mike Allton, you'll learn…

Key Takeaways

  • Over a dozen adjustments you can make to your profile today to attract your target audience
  • How just ten minutes a day can make a difference in your LinkedIn presence
  • How the law of reciprocity will help make your LinkedIn profile shine